Friday, 2 December 2011

Finish it up – itis

Well, it would seem that I have contracted a serious case of finish-it-up-itis.  I guess it was inevitable, given all the WIPs lurking around the house, but the intensity of the illness has taken me by surprise. 
I began by quitting my job, a task that I knew needing doing for over a year, without a new job in hand. 
Next, I sorted through my yarn stash and re-discovered all sorts of WIPs needing just a little fix or a bit of tidying up. 
A week later I felt compelled to turn that pile of fabric into something useful (Simplicity 2245 Lisette Portfolio Dress).
Then I realised my sudden extra free time meant I could actually cook meals for myself so out came the 1000 Vegetable Recipe book and a small parade of yummy dishes soon followed.
And finally, having thought about starting a blog for a while, I decided to seize the day and give it a go.  I intend it to be a place to talk and showcase about my handmades, but I reckon it will take a little while for it to fully form.
I’m hoping that this finish-it-up-itis turns its attention to my need for an income and pushes me into a job search in the New Year.  I thought it might induce me to get the hoover out or clean the hob more frequently, but this doesn’t seem to be part of the disease.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sue! Thank you for your comment on my blog :) Congratulations on quitting your job - that takes a lot of courage! I look forward to seeing your blog develop - go for it!
