Well it happened again. I was just trying to make a simple internet purchase with my debit card and it was declined. Hmmmm, I thought, this is odd. I double-checked my balance to assure myself that the money hadn't run out yet. Two minutes later my phone started ringing. It was the bank calling to tell me that the local police had reported my card number as one of many they'd recovered from somewhere dodgy (he wasn't real clear on what the police had found). In any case it meant my card was immediately cancelled and my replacement won't arrive for 5-7 days. Now call me crazy but I don't have a bunch of back-up cards from other banks. I try really hard to be financially sensible and I don't have any credit cards, just that all important debit card. So 5-7 days without access to money could be a real issue for me. Luckily I just stocked up at Sainsburys and recently withdrew cash so I should be okay.
I would like to know the deal is though, I mean this has happened to me at least 10 times in the last 10 years, most recently back in July. My bank has assured me I'm not doing anything weird to encourage it but I'm starting to feel suspicious.
In crafty news, I have been knitting lots of mittens for the
afghans for Afghans appeal. Here's a little sample of the ones I've finished.
mittens in peacock formation (: |
They are especially looking for jumpers so I think I'll see if I have some stash that could serve. I see the deadline is the end of February so if I get my skates on I should be able to knit something with larger wool. I reckon I'll need to allow at least a week for shipping from here to America where they pack it all up for shipping to Afghanistan.